Trivest Private Equity to Transform your Business

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Trivest is a leading private equity source since its inception in1981. The firm is one of the only private equity firms in the United States that focuses exclusively on founder-owned businesses. The firm focuses on sectors namely; consumer and retail, healthcare, niche manufacturing, technology, business services, and value-added distribution.

At the heart of the firm are their three dedicated approaches: Trivest Mid-Market Fund VII, Trivest Growth Investment Fund II (TGIF), and Trivest Discovery Fund II. While each fund is rooted in growth for founder and family-owned businesses, each fund is also tailoured and customised to a company’s specific needs.

Trivest Mid-Market Fund

The firm’s largest to date, Trivest Mid-Market Fund VII is a $950 million fund making control, or majority, investments in founder and family-owned businesses in the middle market. Founders are helped to transition to their next phase of personal and professional growth with confidence and peace of mind.

Investment critieria includes:

• A solid management team;

• Sustained competitive advantage;

• Attractive cash flow characteristics;

• Leading market share;

• Sturdy financial performance;

• Diverse customer base; and

• Reasonable growth prospects.

Trivest Growth Investment Fund

Following the success of TGIF I, a $225 million non-control fund, a follow-up TGIF II at $435 million closed at the end of 2019. TGIF invests in fast-growing businesses with founders looking to retain a majority stake in the company. Even with a minority stake, Trivest’s full resources are put into each investment.

Investment criteria follow that of the Mid-Market Fund.

Trivest Discovery Fund

The Discovery Fund gives the firm unprecedented flexibility and a new avenue of growth for an underserved dimension of founders. Trivest Discovery Fund II is a $600 million control fund that invests predominantly in small, successful companies within fragmented industries that have enormous potential to scale.

Investment criteria (including being a part of fragmented markets) are mentioned above.


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