The Export Market Access Fund, through the Eastern Cape Development Cooperation, aims to provide export funding to export ready local companies. The Fund assists with packaging and positioning of local products and services for export markets; addressing technical needs and challenges relating to international market access, encountered by local companies. The Fund assists in positioning the Eastern Cape Province as a reliable source market for exports, as well as stimulating job creation through increased exports.
Priority is given to companies operating in the high potential and sub-sectors identified in the Eastern Cape PEDS documents, including; Agri-industry, Automotive, Light Manufacturing, Sustainable Energy, Ocean Economy, and Tourism.
Requirements for the Export Market Access Fund
All applicants should ensure the following:
- Be a registered legal entity;
- Be involved in exploring new international markets or expanding in existing markets;
- Have a product or service that is compliant with relevant national standards;
- Be tax compliant;
- Have products that are produced in the Eastern Cape;
- Have a product or service with significant national presence (available in more than two provinces nationally);
- Have traded locally for at least two years and with 12 months financial statements; and
- Indicate that the business will make significant contribution towards increasing the rand value of exports from the Eastern Cape.
Qualifying Expenditure
- Product or service registration with relevant international bodies in export markets;
- International packaging and labelling requirements;
- Specialised shipping requirements for export orders;
- International nutritional analysis;
- Product verification; and
- Evidence of an export order or prospective order requiring new label or certification.
With our years of industry experience, Dream Team Capital understands the necessary requirements and criteria needed to access funding from various funders across South Africa. Work with us today to collate compliant and comprehensive developments for your application.
For more information and assistance on the Fund – Contact Dream Team Capital