The EMIA grant through the DTIC to target Export Markets

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The Export Marketing and Investment Assistance scheme grows and develops export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country. The purpose of assistance under the EMIA scheme is to partially compensate exporters for costs incurred in respect of such activities. DTC can provide access to the EMIA grant through the DTIC and assist with the necessary developments.

The EMIA grant through the DTIC

The Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Grant (EMIA)

The programme comprises the following Individual Participation Incentive Schemes:

1.1 Individual Exhibition (IE) and In-Store Promotions (IP)
1.2 Primary Market Research (PMR) and FDI
1.3 Individual Inward Mission (IIM)

The programme comprises the following Group Participation Incentive Schemes:

1.4 Group Inward Buying Missions (IBM) Group Inward Investment mission (IIM)
1.5 National Pavilions (NP)
1.6 Outward Selling Mission Assistance (OSM) and Outward Investment Mission
Assistance (OIM)

Trade missions as an export promotion tool, serves a number of purposes. Firstly it attempts to introduce local firms to new markets or existing markets with the aim of either gaining entry into that market or for purposes of strengthening existing networks within a particular market. Secondly it assists local firms to exploit the number of Free trade, Bilateral and Multi-lateral agreements, which have been negotiated between SA and the rest of the world.

Group Outward Selling/Investment Missions

Assistance to SA exporters/companies who wish to make contact with potential buyers/investors with a view to conclude new export orders/recruit foreign direct investment

Group Inward Buying/Investment Missions

Assistance is provided to organizers of inward buying/investment missions to enable prospective buyers/investors to make contact with SA exporters/companies to conclude export orders/attract foreign direct investment

The EMIA grant through the DTICNational Pavilions
• The dti assists South African exporters by organising National Pavilions to showcase local products at international trade exhibitions
• Companies wishes to participate at leading international trade fairs with the advantage of group participation, supported by a targeted marketing process.
• Companies are clustered together according to its sectors or combination of sectors (Multi sector).

Objectives of the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Grant

  • Increase contribution of SMME’s to the economy;
  • Advance broad-based black economy empowerment (BBBEE);
  • Increase the levels of direct investment in priority sectors;
  • Increase export market access; and
  • Bridging the gap between the first and second economy.

Qualifying Entities for the EMIA Grant

• Registered South African Manufacturers and service companies;
• South African export trading houses or commission agents;
• South African Export Councils, Industry Associations and Joint Action Groups;
• South African registered co-operatives, which export agricultural and other arts and craft products;

• Export Readiness;
• Type of products/services for export and local sales performance;
• Industry in which the venture operates; and
• Submission of general and specific qualifying documentation and adherence to general and specific criteria.

Mandatory Conditions to qualify for the EMIA grant through the DTIC

  • All entities should have traded for more than one financial year.
  • The entity must be a registered legal entity in South Africa in terms of the Companies Act,1973 (as amended), or the Close Corporations Act, 1984 (as amended) or Co-operatives Act, 1981 (as amended) except in case of a sole proprietor and partnerships.
  • The applicant must be a taxpayer in good standing and provide a valid tax clearance certificate before EMIA incentive is disbursed.
  • Completed applications should reach the dti two months before the commencement date of the event.
  • Applications cannot be considered earlier than six months prior to the commencement date
    of the event.
  • Applications submitted on the last day will be allowed five working days to submit outstanding information.
  • Entities applying for EMIA financial assistance might be subject to a site visit being conducted.
  • Any material changes related to the application must be notified in writing to EMIA before the commencement of the event and the changes must be approved by the Adjudication Committee/Senior Manager.

Limitations and Exclusions from obtaining the EMIA Grant

The EMIA grant through the DTIC• Individual Participation (Individual Exhibitions, Primary Market Research & Foreign Direct Investment and Individual Inward bound missions of assistance is limited to four (4) applications per calendar year.
• Participation in countries, which are members of the South African Customs Union (Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Namibia) is excluded from EMIA assistance.
• EMIA incentives are not available for events taking place in the
period 10 December up to and including 10 January of each year.
• Participation in private exhibitions is excluded.

Documentation required from all applicants when applying for the EMIA grant through the DTIC

  • A copy of the entity’s exporter registration certificate form Customs and Excise;
  • Proof of registration of the entity;
  • A full-colour product brochure;
  • Financial statements or bank statements in the case of a sole proprietor/partnership;
  • An export Marketing Plan;
  • Three quotations from different service providers for air travel;
  • Three quotations from different service providers for transport of samples;
  • Three quotations from different service providers for marketing materials;
  • The signed agreement with the retail outlet;
  • Motivation from IDD Sector desk; and
  • Letter of Support from the foreign office representative in a specific country or from TISA’s International Operations Unit (IOU).

At DTC we understand the complexities of the various funding agencies and the unique application criteria for each. We have assisted thousands of entrepreneurs through the application process to access funding for businesses, and we can help you with the same.

Contact us for further assistance and guidance on obtaining the EMIA grant through the DTIC.

The EMIA grant through the DTIC