The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) is an agency of the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture, created to ensure the equitable growth of South Africa’s film and video industry. The Agency collaborates with stakeholders to enable the development and promotion of a transformed and thriving Film industry in South Africa. NFVF’s vision is to create an inclusive, diverse, and sustainable audio-visual ecosystem that articulates South African stories to local and global audiences.
The NFVF was created to ensure the equitable growth of South Africa’s film and video industry, providing:
- Funding for the development, production, marketing, and distribution of films;
- Training and development of filmmakers; and
- Commissioning research and producing industry statistics to provide both public and stakeholders with valuable insights into the South African film industry.
The Agency’s funding is designed to drive the equitable growth of the industry by increasing the number of local films made and film makers trained. This ensures that both the films and film-makers are well positioned and promoted globally. Video and film funding is available in the broad categories of Education and Training, Development (of feature films, documentaries, and TV concepts), Production (of feature films and documentaries), and Marketing and Distribution.
In each of the above mentioned categories, only one application per organisation, individual, or company is considered for funding. In addition to financial assistance, support mechanisms are available once funding is approved. Funding allocation to selected projects will vary according to the specific cash flow needs of the project.
Funding Structure of the National Film and Video Foundation:
- Films in Development – feature films are funded to a maximum of R200 000, documentaries a maximum of R100 000, short films to a maximum of R100 000, and TV concepts to a maximum of R200 000.
- Films in Production – feature films are funded to a maximum of R1 200 000, documentaries to a maximum of R200 000, short films to a maximum of R200 000, and TV pilots to a maximum of R200 000.
At Dream Team Capital, we understand the requirements and complexities of the various funding bodies across South Africa. Let us develop a conforming and comprehensive funding application, to position your story locally and on an international scale.
For more information on the National Film and Video Foundation – Contact DTC