E-commerce Business Plan for the Vision of your Business

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Whether you are starting a new, expanding your current, or purchasing an existing E-commerce business, the development of an E-commerce business plan is quite useful.

South Africa is the 40th largest market for eCommerce. Just like in South Africa, global eCommerce sales are expected to increase over the next years. As new markets are emerging, global growth will continue over in the coming years. This development will be propelled by East and Southeast Asia with their growing middle class and their lagging offline infrastructure.
New data from FNB Merchant Services shows that the South African online e-commerce market has grown rapidly and is currently estimated at just under R200 billion per annum. With a yearly growth rate of 16% between 2021 and 2025, South Africa is even expected to outperform the global average of 10%.

Highlights of the E-commerce Sector include:

•Revenue in the eCommerce market is projected to reach US$9.19bn in 2023.

•Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 13.21%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$15.10bn by 2027.

•With a projected market volume of US$1,396.00bn in 2023, most revenue is generated in China.

•In the eCommerce market, the number of users is expected to amount to 37.6m users by 2027.

•User penetration will be 48.5% in 2023 and is expected to hit 58.6% by 2027.

•The average revenue per user (ARPU) is expected to amount to US$308.30.

Components of a well-developed E-Commerce Business Plan include:

Executive summary: Provides an overview of your business and your plans. It includes key information on the ownership structure, the purpose of the business plan, the business objectives and goals.

Company and management summary: Includes your company history (if applicable), management team and staffing structure, business premises, and legal structure.

Market analysis: Includes industry analysis, competitors’ analyses, customer profile, and a SWOT analysis.

Marketing and sales plan: Strategies for creating awareness of your product or service among a defined group of prospective buyers. Describe pricing and distribution structures that provide the highest anticipated return on investment.

Financial plan: Includes your current finances, financial goals and strategies set to achieve those goals. It reduces doubt or uncertainty about your decisions.

Financial projections: Comprises of eight documents namely the management account, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, cash forecast, break even analysis, loan amortisation schedule. and fixed asset schedule. Charts, ratios, graphs, and calculations are included.

Annexures: Includes statutory information required by funders in an application.

e-commerse business plan The DTC Team understands the intricacies of the requirements and criteria for the development of an accurate and custom business plan. If using the development to raise funding and/or non-repayable business grants, we offer guidance through the process and provide access to our funding network.

Contact us for more information and support your E-Commerce Business Plan.