The Durban Film Office (DFO) is a Department of eThekwini Municipality’s Economic Development Unit, responsible for the promotion and development of the Film and Television Industry in Durban City. DFO markets and promotes Durban as a premier destination for Television, Film, Photo, Digital Media, whilst also nurturing the local content creators that continue to develop a creative film and entertainment community. The overarching vision of the DFO is for Durban to be internationally recognised as a dynamic, innovative, and cost-effective production centre, where residents regularly enjoy content created in the city, and where the film sector contributes significantly to the economy and international profile of Durban and its citizens. DTC can assist you with developing a comprehensive application for your vision to grow in the Film and Television Industry.
The Durban Film Office has three development programmes, targeting filmmakers at different levels in the industry:
- The Development Fund Programme;
- The Festivals and Market Support Programme; and
- The Micro Budget Programme.
Objectives of the Durban Film Office Development Programmes:
- Support intermediate and experienced producers based in Durban needing to develop feature fiction or documentary projects for the local and / or international market;
- Support local emerging filmmakers and encourage the production of content to stimulate the local film industry;
- Provide opportunities for skills development and market access;
- Expose local talent to international audiences; and
- Promote local films through suitable support programmes.
Development Fund Programme
The Durban Film Office Development Fund Programme aims to support intermediate and experienced producers based in Durban who need to develop feature fiction or documentary projects for the local and/ or international market. The programme provides grant funding for two Durban film projects per annum, to a maximum of R250, 000.00 per project towards its development.
The Durban Film Office defines development support as funds needed to invest in the development of a project to suitably package the project for presenting to investors and ensure the project is capable of attracting production financing. Development funding may be required for various activities to achieve this objective.
The DFO Development Fund considers funding the following costs:
- Writer’s fees;
- Script editors; and
- Research fees.
Festivals and Market Support Programme
The Durban Film Office supports the promotion of locally based films by, providing a suitable support programme with clear guidelines and eligibility criteria when applying for support for attendance at markets and festivals.
The DFO Festival and Market Support Programme sponsors up to a maximum R30,000.00 in associated costs per project annually.
Applicants may apply for sponsorship of:
- Flights;
- Accommodation;
- Registration fees; and
- Marketing materials to be used for a festival or market as approved.
Micro Budget Programme
The Micro-budget Film Programme supports local emerging filmmakers and encourages the production of content to stimulate the local film industry. The programme seeks to develop a local model and brand of low budget film-making that is practical and commercially viable. The DFO defines ’emerging’ filmmaker as having acquired some experience producing a work which has earned industry or public attention, and is aspiring to write, direct, or produce feature film length works. The Micro-budget Film Programme offers R250, 000.00 for production of a feature length film. The programme targets fiction feature projects and will run for a period of 12 months. The aim is to produce 3 micro budget films per year.
For more information and Assistance – Contact Dream Team Capital