DIY Business Funding & Non-Repayable Grant Solution

posted in: Business Finance, Business Grants | 0

For entrepreneurs looking for a do-it-yourself / DIY business funding and non-repayable grant solution; we offer a comprehensive solution to ensure your application is up to standard and flies through the funding application & review process:

  • We provide you access to our funding & grant network which is South Africa’s most comprehensive directory of fund provides, this network includes: venture capital companies, government business grants, private equity companies, Silicon Cape investment companies, banks, government funding initiatives, angel funds, rent-to-own funding companies and crowd funds.
  • We advise if your sector of business has non-repayable grant/s available and if so which one/s.
  • We review your application & business plan and provide guidelines should there be shortfalls in any areas.
  • We provide you with the application checklist which consists of 10 documents that need to be included in applications to financiers. Submitting a complete application avoids delays in application pay-outs.
  • We provide you with application forms for service providers who require them when submitting applications.
  • We provide you with guidance as to the likely funding vehicles and/or grant providers for your project and who to approach.

Having successfully raised in excess of R5.5 billion in funding & grants over the past decade thus far, it is safe to say that a bit of professional consultancy definitely streamlines the funding process for you.

Contact us to take advantage of our DIY business funding and non-repayable grant solution for only R2800!

Success - DIY Business Funding