Centrafin for Custom-tailoured Rental & Finance Solutions

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Centrafin started operations in October 2002, as an independent financial intermediary in the operating rental market. In June of 2010, Alviva Holdings Ltd acquired 51% shareholding in the company and in March 2012 Centrafin became a full subsidiary of the group.

Since then Centrafin has transformed from being a broker, to a primary funder, carrying its own in-house finance and debtors book. Centrafin, in being a boutique finance house offering bespoke rental and finance solutions, enables clients to acquire a variety of asset classes. They pride themselves in offering custom rental and financial solutions that enable companies with the financial freedom to acquire assets.

Their vision includes being a specialist asset finance house and the authority on asset finance in South Africa. This will be achieved through the delivery of services that are fast, reliable, and responsive. Centrafin’s mission is to deliver innovative, unrivalled services, thereby facilitating growth of businesses, which frees up business owners from the restrictions propped on them by the slow moving, inflexible behaviour of larger lenders.

Centrafin understands that as a business evolves, so does their requirements. They therefore consider the lifecycle of the asset and offer solutions that allow flexibility to negotiate structures that suit current needs and available resources.

Their Purpose is to:

• To facilitate the growth of businesses.

• To free business owners from the restrictions of the slow moving, inflexible behaviour of large lenders.

• Centrafin focuses on business sense, cutting-edge solutions and enduring relationships.

• Centrafin people share their collective wisdom, business acumen and industry expertise with partners to enable the growth of valuable businesses through the speedy, accurate provision of tailoured support at every level of interaction.

Centrafin Provides…

• Equipment Rentals;

• Financial Leases;

• Management Services; and

• Short-term Insurance.

Their Asset Classes Include…

• Office Automation;

• Telecommunications;

• Security & Surveilannce;

• Audio Visual;

• Material Handling Equipment;

• Renewable Energy Solutions:

• Plant & Equipment

• Moveable Assets; and

• IT Hardware & Software.





Contact DTC for more information on funding through Centrafin.
